ELEVEN PDX 5 Year Anniversary Party at Alberta Abbey

A half-decade of covering Portland’s vibrant music scene, and bringing reviews and interviews with national favorites to the page, deserves a party. Join us this Friday at Alberta Abbey (126 NE Alberta St.) for a celebration of ELEVEN PDX‘s fifth birthday with some terrific Portland acts.
You may recognize him from the cover of this month’s issue: Kyle Craft headlines the show on Friday with the eclectic, lyric-oriented rock of his new Sub Pop album, Dolls of Highland. If Craft’s shadowy stories and boundless vocal range aren’t enough for you, how about local dynamos Tango Alpha Tango? In an interview earlier this year, we spoke to the magnetic rock and blues act about its new album, White Sugar. Songwriter Joel Magid will open the show with his depthful and forlorn psychedelia. Find music from all three embedded below.
What’s more, the evening doubles as a benefit show for Ethos Music Center, a Portland non-profit committed to providing music education to youth who may face socioeconomic roadblocks to accessing instruments and lessons. A sliding scale donation of $5-11 will be accepted at the door.
Invite your friends, and come enjoy the dancehall vibes of the Abbey’s ballroom while taking in some of Portland’s finest.
The music starts at 8pm. The Alberta Abbey is located at 126 NE Alberta Ave.
Thank you for supporting local art!