Minami Deutsch @ Crystal Ballroom 11/30/2019

See also: Devo, Fujiya & Miyagi, Kikagaku Moyo
There’s a snap, a pop, or a galactic belch, and then deep-space vibrations come trickling down, waves of cosmic energy, from Tokyo-based Minami Deutsch. You’ll find a steady krautrock beat joined by a bouncy baseline, and then a playful riff and some ambient sparkle, all a bit future-jazz-like. Then the shower becomes a downpour.
Can’t Get There is a most-welcome followup to 2018’s With Dim Light. As a whole, the album is a touch less wandering, and more steady driving, than the previous EP. Just take that as a sign of the band harnessing their funky power and distilling the juice.
As this is a show preview and not an album review, we’ll leave it at that and say, get ye to as many shows (of this, their first North American tour) as possible, and replace cosmic sadness with jocund jollity.
Minami Deutsch plays 11/30 at Crystal Ballroom with Kikagaku Moyo. [TIX]