“The Origin of Error” by Eclisse

Since disbanding Portland’s bike thief last year, Febian Perez has been working on his new project, Eclisse. With contributions from friends Patti King (Radiation City) and Noritsugu Lockhart (Cambrian Explosion) he created the best debut album I’ve heard from any band in ages. What makes it even more special is that it’s from right here in Portland, recorded at The Hallowed Halls by Jordan Richter. The first track, “Float,” is hard-driving rock hit with a sick transition into something much heavier. I could make comparisons to this band or that voice, but the music of Eclisse is uniquely badass on many different musical levels — weighty darkness mixed with flashes of pure light. I was especially blown away by “Divine Lies,” with its heavy metal flavor and catchiness. The breakdowns and bridges Perez created are multi-layered and complex, displaying next-level musical ability.
Most of the tracks have a deeply menacing tone that made metal so alluring to fans in the early days. “Say Your Prayers” exemplifies this perfectly. It’s the kind of song that will surely bring a crowd into a fist-pumping frenzy. The title track, “Origin of Error,” builds up ominously with subtle strings, and then breaks through into a shadowy place. If anyone in the music industry was paying attention, they would single out this band as a legitimate talent, miles ahead of the garbage played on “alternative” radio. I cannot wait to hear Eclisse play every one of these songs live.»
– Scott McHale