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Song Premiere: King Friday- “Cowboys Must Burn Their Eyes Always Riding At The Sun”

Song Premiere: King Friday- “Cowboys Must Burn Their Eyes Always Riding At The Sun”


Tender Loving Empire just signed a new band from Seattle called King Friday. When TLE discovered them, they were sitting on 9 complete albums – and they were all awesome. They have a whimsy that can’t be faked – a non-self-aware-stoner-dork vibe. These guys aren’t trying to do something different. They are different. Most importantly, they have an overwhelming passion for creating gritty, pretty psych-pop.

They’ll be releasing the first of 9 albums, The Aristocratson 4/22/14.


Tender Loving Empire will be releasing one of King Friday’s nine albums every few months until every single song is out, shedding a little light on otherwise buried gems.

We are premiering one of the songs now:

“Cowboys Must Burn Their Eyes Always Riding At The Sun”

See Also
G-Low sits by the window

Check it out and let us know what you think!

King Friday is playing two shows coming up, April 22nd at the High Dive for their Seattle release and on May 6th at the Bunk Bar in Portland. Be sure to check it out!