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“Foil Deer” by Speedy Ortiz

“Foil Deer” by Speedy Ortiz


If an album name like Foil Deer stirs up for you images of taking home leftovers from a dysfunctional family dinner at The Roadkill Cafe you already have a pretty good head start on what you’re in for. A bit rough around the edges in just the right places while retaining a certain majestic grace. Also tasty.

Singer-songwriter Sadie Dupuis stirs an interesting elixir of equal parts fierce punk and saccharin innocence. This music is like a finicky feline. It wants you to pet it but it also kinda wants to bite you. With it’s funky riffs and neat little noises one might be tempted to describe this as Modest Mouse’s little sister. Similar sensibilities but with a definite style all her own and on her way to being one of the cool kids some day. That day may be a lot closer than you might think. We appear to be on the back side of the “indie folk duo” bell curve and it is going to be bands like Speedy Ortiz that take us up the next side.

See Also

This album is actually quite good and worthy of a listen. Even if you don’t like it you will, at the very least, be entertained. And isn’t that the whole point any way? »

– Aaron Mills