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Ian Karmel @ The Hollywood Theater 08/01/2013

Ian Karmel @ The Hollywood Theater 08/01/2013

You know him. You love him. You’ll miss him.

Right now, Ian Karmel is quite possibly the most recognizable name in Portland comedy. Unfortunately for us, our big fish is ready for a bigger body of water, and Los Angeles is lucky to procure our budding laugh-machine.

Ian has performed stand-up at (probably) every venue in Portland, from EastBurn to Mississippi Studios to Helium and last week, a spectacular all-star sendoff at The Hollywood Theatre. Hosted primarily by Sean Jordan and (Ian’s roommate and 2013 Portland’s Funniest Person) Shane Torres, the celebration/roast/sendoff last nearly three hours and was delightfully intimate. Ten of Portland’s better comedians warmed up for a beautiful, heartfelt and hilarious set by the man of the night. It was a family affair, indeed, with Ian sharing two of his Tallboys with his Mom, during his set. The next day, Ian reminisced,  “LAST NIGHT, THOUGH” or more appropriately, “I found Cheetos in my car this morning and it’s only the 45th best thing that’s happened in the last 24 hours” (via Twitter @IanKarmel).

We’ll miss his musings on the back page of the Mercury. The only thing that will fill the void in our hearts is Ian’s next homecoming show, whenever that may be.

See Also
images used Courtesy of Harry Smith Archives

More from Ian at

Words by Richard Lime. Photo by Nicolle Clemetson.