“Dying To Pretend” by Pocketknife

Earworm hooks, shimmery synth, and catchy lyrics are the heart of this Portland synth-pop group. In true Pocketknife fashion, the opening track and lead single “Treasure” will have you jumping right out of your seat, dancing around singing, “Woah oh oh!” without a care in the world.
Another hard-hitting tune, “The Push of Love,” features Jessica Boudreaux’s (Summer Cannibals, New Moss Records) expressive and sultry vocals melting over the lush arrangement of guitar tones, crisp drum beats, and rich bass. The chorus is simple, executed perfectly, and catchy as hell—believe me when I say you will have “It was the push of love / It was the push of love / It was the push of lo-o-o-o-ove” in your head for days on end.
There is a good chance vocalist Marlin Gonda is a little tired of being compared to Morrissey, but the similarity is undeniable in the album’s fourth track, “Really Really A Lot A Lot.” This gem showcases Gonda’s Moz-esque vocals with beautiful harmonies and soaring keys courtesy of Boudreaux. Pocketknife is known for delivering synth driven pop songs topped off with a heavy dose of energy. With their latest full-length, Dying To Pretend, this quartet does what they do best. »
– Wendy Worzalla