Eleven PDX

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Album Review: “Vulture” by Turtlenecked

It hasn’t been a full calendar year since Turtlenecked (Harrison Smith) released Pure Plush Bone…

"Capacity" by Big Thief
Album Reivew: “Capacity” by Big Thief

Surveying the empty house, it would be tough at first to tell what Big Thief…

Portland Writer and Musician Nikole Potulsky

Storyteller Nikole Potulsky bridges the gap between the songwriter and the essayist on her latest…

Red Bull Sound Select Presents 3 Days in Portland
Red Bull Gives You… Quality Shows for Cheap This Weekend

Here you thought the makers of Red Bull purveyed nothing but cans of sweet, bubbly…

The Last Artful, Dodgr

Eleven and The Last Artful, Dodgr get down to the bones of her latest project with Neill von Tally, her work with Fresh Selects and Eyrst, and the responsibility we all have to the city of Portland. Dodgr plays with Aminé May 20 at Crystal Ballroom.


The infinitely chill Dutch indie pop outfit Klangstof anchors reverb-drenched soundscapes with sophisticated beats. Klangstof opens for The Flaming Lips at Roseland Theater on May 12


Dave Hartley, decade-long member of The War On Drugs, produces synth-pop psychedelia as Nightlands. Hear it live on May 10 at The Doug Fir.

Portland writer and publisher Laura Stanfill

In this month’s Literary Arts interview, we discuss community and publishing with Laura Stanfill from Forest Avenue Press.

“Sincerely, Future Pollution” by Timbre Timbre

Read our review of Timbre Timbre’s new album.

“Love Is Love” by Woods

Woods’ tenth studio album was written in the two months following the presidential election. It preaches love and hope in an era of fear and division.