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Premiere: Stanford Prism Experiment

Premiere: Stanford Prism Experiment

Self proclaimed “gloom pop” band, Stanford Prism Experiment, is a blend of ’70s inspired psychedelic rock, mixed with a quiet sadness and ethereal vocals. Fronted by both Marielle Evangelista on bass and Brian Everard (Pagent) on guitar, joined by guitarist Alex Fulton (Motorcoat) and drummer Greg Madueno (Veradas), the quartet is preparing for the release of their upcoming full length album, Dissolving Light, due out next spring.

The Portland-based rock band combines somber sensibilities of ’70s darkwave with a melancholy comparable to Robert Smith. Deeply influenced by both early rock music (Fulton’s Hendrix-esque guitar solos can really rip) and inspired by classic goth-rock sounds, the band has a knack for embracing the dark and dreamy.

Be sure to check them out live at The Fixin’ To with Miss Rayon and Black Ferns on November 22!