Literary Arts

Author Joe Kurmaskie

Joe Kurmaskie is many things, The Metal Cowboy, a proud Portlander and the author of “A Guide to Falling Down in Public.” Read his interview in July’s Literary Arts feature.

Oregon author Tim Hicks

This month in our literary arts section, an interview with Tim Hicks on his new novel “Last Stop Before Tomorrow,” its Prometheus anchor and climate change.

A.M. O’Malley

Read our interview with Portland poet A.M. O’Malley, whose new book is “Expecting Something Else” from University of Hell Press.

Portland Writer Peter Rock

Read our interview with Portland writer Peter Rock about his forthcoming YA novel, “Klickitat.”

Portland Writer Monica Drake

“The first short story in ‘The Folly of Loving Life’ begins with a lover’s note from the narrator pleading for forgiveness after throwing her boyfriend’s favorite shirt in a free box on the curb and trying to throw his sneakers up on the powerlines.”

The Switch Reading Series featuring Aaron Simon and Lindsay Ruoff – Sunday 2/21 @IPRC – 7PM

         Back in 2010, poet Paul Maziar and painter Jeremy Okai Davis…

Portland comic book creators Joe Keatinge and Leila Del Duca

Leila Del Duca and Joe Keatinge are the power house team behind Image Comics series…

Portland writer Patrick DeWitt

On a recent Sunday afternoon, Patrick deWitt’s desk was very neatly arranged. Maybe too neatly.…

Portland Writer Kevin Maloney

  Reading Cult of Loretta during a red-eye flight from Newark to Portland was the…

Portland Poet Ed Skoog

The poet Ed Skoog is a force of nature. Not only for his sheer physical…