Bloc Party at Wonder Ballroom

Over the past few years Bloc Party reconfigured their lineup with two members departing and two others entering including Portland’s own Justin Harris (previously of Menomena). Now backed by drummer Louise Bartle, a fun and fierce addition to the upbeat band from Britain, their performance at the Wonder Ballroom Thursday night was as straightforward as it was steadfast.
Hitting various points of their five album catalog the night proved enjoyable for first time listeners as well as decade-old fans. Multi-instrumentalist Harris appeared content playing to his hometown crowd while lead singer Kele Okereke also seemed to enjoy himself throughout the evening. Especially during noteworthy classics “This Modern Love” “Luno” and “Positive Tension” (from debut album Silent Alarm) Okereke could be seen smiling back at, or with, fans excited to hear the classic tracks and simply share in the nostalgia for the British bedroom angst of 2005.»
– Greg LeMieux