“Uninitiated” by LiquidLight

Portland’s own LiquidLight came out of the ether several years ago with a mission to create a fresh sound and with lyrics to match. With two EPs under their collective belt, you will find Anthony Medici, Cory West, Zack Rodrigues, and Joey Arnstein have done just that.
Recorded at Cloud City Studios in between day jobs and juggling life’s curve balls, the end result is an exceptionally solid full-length. The first two tracks, “My Mission” and “Centralize,” grab hold of your attention like a new Star Wars trailer; creating a strong thirst for what’s to come. The following is the title track, “Uninitiated,” and this is where you get hooked. The sheer contrast—full of lush, thunderous soundscapes—is a very pleasant surprise.
The meat of the album showcases the band’s tight musicianship with songs like “Vindication” and “All Others Pay Cash.” Then “Train Wrecker” begins and within seconds you know you are in for a ride—a near six-and-a-half minutes of pure unadulterated rock that leaves you hungry for more.
In a world of regurgitated sound, where we are mathematically running out of possible combinations to actually consider something as “new” music, LiquidLight has managed to produce an album that is not quite like anything else hitting your ear drums lately. It is a delicious psych-prog rock cocktail that tastes so good you know it must be dangerous. »
– Wendy Worzalla