1. Minden w/ Hustle and Drone & Sex Life DJs Where: Mississippi Studios How Much:…
1. Sun Angle w/ XDS & Summer Cannibals Where: Mississippi Studios How Much: $8 When:…
1. WL w/ Soft Shadows & Fred Meyer Where: Slabtown How Much: $5 When: Wednesday,…
1. Hovercraft Records Showcase Where: Doug Fir How Much: $5 When: Thursday, January 10th –…
1. Old Age w/ Fanno Creek, The We Shared Milk & Talkative Where: East End…
1. Tiger House w/ Liquidlight & Here Come Dots Where: Doug Fir How Much: $6…
1. Typhoon w/ Laura Gibson & Lost Lander Where: Crystal Ballroom How Much: $15/$17 When:…
1. Pheasant w/ Tiger House & Charts Where: Mississippi Studios How Much: $5 When: Wednesday,…
Grab a Free Download of Eleven favorite tracks—Live from the Banana Stand at http://bit.ly/bstand11mix In…