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Music Millennium’s New Vinyl Annex

Music Millennium’s New Vinyl Annex

Terry Currier recently celebrated his 40th anniversary working in a record store. In its 43rd year, Music Millennium is Portland’s oldest independent record store and has seen many changes over the course of its history. Most recently, Terry made the difficult decision to close Classical Millennium, a store attached to the historic 3158 East Burnside building. With the closing of the store came the opening of a new one: Music Millenium’s Vinyl Annex.

Below you will see a video made by one of Music Millennium’s employees, Robin Washburn. Although he has done videos for such Portland bands like Helio Sequence and The Prids, this is his first attempt at a commercial. In a time where independent stores are struggling and vinyl is making a resurgence, its more important than ever to to keep fighting the good fight. Please feel free to share this video with whomever you wish.


Music Millennium from All Cats Are Grey on Vimeo.