Show Review

Live Review: Mikal Cronin at the Doug Fir Lounge

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] The press release for Mikal Cronin‘s soon-to-be-released (and…

An Interview With The Dead Milkmen

You are either a long term fan or… what do you mean “Who are The…

Photo Gallery – The Dead Milkmen at The Wonder Ballroom

Legendary punk rock band The Dead Milkmen headlined the Wonder Ballroom in April. Check out…

Show Review: Wand at Doug Fir 4/12/2015

It’s no surprise to learn that Wand frontman Cory Hanson listens to Tangerine Dream, Fripp,…

Seth Avett & Jessica Lea Mayfield Sing Elliott Smith At The Crystal Ballroom – Review & Pictures

  Earlier this month, Seth Avett and Jessica Lea Mayfield released Seth Avett & Jessica Lea…

Live Review: Zella Day & Milo Greene at the Doug Fir Lounge

On an unseasonably warm February night last Friday, Portland was treated to an evening that…

Willie Watson Live At The Doug Fir Lounge

Willie Watson brought his tour behind his solo debut, Folk Singer Vol. I, to the Doug Fir…

A Recap Of Decemberists Day & The Band’s Meet & Greet With Fans In Portland

“We know, we know, we belong to ya / We know you built your life…

2014 Show Of The Year: Operators & Future Islands at the Doug Fir Lounge, MFNW Late Night (Videos)

2014 was yet another amazing year for live music in Portland. From rad house shows,…

Live Review: Samantha Crain & First Aid Kit at the Roseland Theater

We’re spending the afternoon catching up on some past work that has fallen through the…