Aural Fix

Ron Gallo

Another sprouting young mind with a predilection to harmonize with the universe graces us with…


A synthetic, wavering spookiness opens up Flaural’s most recent EP, Over Imaginary Cigarettes. The album’s…


Neo-psychedelic rockers Shadowgraphs make visual music. The meticulously layered and nuanced sounds are piled piece…

Preview: Jaga Jazzist at Edgefield on 6.28

To be a member of Norway’s experimental jazz band Jaga Jazzist is kind of like…


Happyness plays Mississippi Studios on May 31.


The infinitely chill Dutch indie pop outfit Klangstof anchors reverb-drenched soundscapes with sophisticated beats. Klangstof opens for The Flaming Lips at Roseland Theater on May 12


Dave Hartley, decade-long member of The War On Drugs, produces synth-pop psychedelia as Nightlands. Hear it live on May 10 at The Doug Fir.

Alex Wiley

From the underground to the main stage, Alex Wiley’s considerable lyrical versatility continues to mature and expand in his newest project. See him at Holocene on April 27.


Homeshake plays Mississippi Studios on April 13.

Twin Peaks

With one sneakered foot planted in the world of garage rock and the other daydreaming in the ‘60s, Twin Peaks brings new meaning to their moniker. See them at Doug Fir on April 11.