“Secrets” by Deep Sea Diver

“See these eyes, they don’t know how to cry,” and while Jessica Dobson’s might not, she sure knows how to bring it out of the rest of us. Deep Sea Diver’s upcoming album Secrets is their newest project since the 2014 EP Always Waiting. Instrumentally and lyrically, the album brings on a slew of emotions–angst, happiness, sadness and fulfillment; the kind of emotion a solid album is built upon.
Each song has its own ebb and flow stylistically. Some songs start out a little more rock ‘n’ roll heavy, such as “It Takes A Moment,” and others more progressive and experimental, like the title track, “Secrets.” “Always Waiting,” arguably the best track off the album, shows off the etherealness of frontwoman Jessica Dobson’s voice. Her prior experience with The Shins is evident in Deep Sea Diver’s style. Her sound naturally gravitates toward indie rock, but she brings a rawness and femininity to this project that showcase her talent in a way that she hasn’t been able to do before.
Similar to their first album History Speaks, Secrets discusses varying forms of heartbreak in many of its lyrics. Secrets feels more organized, and hopefully they will continue to feel comfortable with their work and break out of their songwriting mold a bit; they have the talent and refining it further will only help them become a next level band to watch. Unfortunately, Deep Sea Diver will not be in Portland during their upcoming tour, but they will be making a stop at Sasquatch and Seattle so all of us Pacific Northwesterners have an opportunity to see their new album in all of its glory live.
– Erin Treat
Deep Sea Diver plays with Radiation City March 19 at Mississippi Studios