1. Soft Tags CD Release w/ Massive Moth & The Reservations Where: Doug Fir How Much: $8…
1. Mean Jeans Mini Tour Kick Off! w/ Terraform & Blood Beach Where: Tonic Lounge…
1. Times New Viking w/ And And And – Where: Bunk Bar – How Much: …
If you demand a more enticing line than click to read more, than click to…
1. The Builders & The Butchers – Where: Doug Fir – How Much: $12 (+21)…
Our inaugural issue is available at many, many places in Portland such as the Tender…
1. Smith Westerns w/ Yeasayer – Where: Wonder Ballroom – How Much: $20 (adv)/$23 (All…
1. JEFF The Brotherhood w/ The Angry Orts, The Night Beats, and The Greenhornes -Where:…
1. The Death Set, WIN WIN, Breakfast Mountain, Serious Business -Where: Branx -How Much: $10…
Wowie zowie! What an amazing week of music in Portland! Honorable mention: (Wed) Ravishers, (Fri)…