1. MFNW 2013 Where: Venues How Much: Tickets When: Wednesday, Sept 4th – Sunday, Sept 8th Why:…
1. Smith Westerns w/ Wampire Where: Doug Fir How Much: $13/$15 When: Thursday, August 15th…
1. Parquet Courts w/ Naomi Punk & Blood Beach Where: Doug Fir How Much: $12…
1. Holocene Turns 10! Where: Holocene How Much: Free! When: Wednesday & Thursday, June 5th…
1. The Kids w/ Mean Jeans & Thee Chemicals Where: Star Theater How Much: $12…
1. The Moondoggies w/ Mirah & Shenandoah Davis Where: Doug Fir How Much: $12/$15 When:…
1. The We Shared Milk w/ Aan & Yours Where: Doug Fir How Much: $7…
1. Django Django w/ Night Moves Where: Doug Fir How Much: $15 When: Wednesday, March…
1. Violet Isle w/ Snowblind Traveler & Just Lions Where: Mississippi Studios How Much: $8…
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