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Video Premiere: “You Are A Dog” by Cay Is Okay

Video Premiere: “You Are A Dog” by Cay Is Okay

Dogs prancing around being adorable as hell. What else could you want?

“You Are A Dog” by Cay Is Okay

If you’re looking for a post holiday depression remedy (or maybe just a break from the ever-intensifying dumpster fire that passes for national politics), we invite you to bask in the glory of furry animals prancing around being adorable as hell, compliments of spunky three-piece, Cay Is Okay.

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G-Low sits by the window

“You Are A Dog” is a short frenetic burst of pure cute, much like the band, which self-identify as “three shy, brown cuties who are all under 5’6″ with strong Cancer placements.”

Into what you hear? Catch Cay Is Okay at Mississippi Studios on Wednesday, 1/16 with fellow locals Surfer Rosie and Wayside Ghost. Be prepared for all the feelings!